Crossfields Institute Level 5 Diploma in Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Studies – Leadership and Management
The Level 5 curriculum builds upon and extends the knowledge and understanding gained through the Level 4 curriculum. There is a clear connection with the learning journeys between the two Levels. It will strengthen your understanding of yourself as a Waldorf pedagogue in a contemporary context and give you the opportunity to develop the ‘sense of guardianship’ which Rudolf Steiner hoped for those entering Waldorf education as teachers.
In addition it focuses on Leadership and Management. It is intended to encourage you to explore these roles and to begin to understand the transition between the roles of assistant and group leader in a Waldorf kindergarten.
It will include:
- The keeping of a Reflective Journal which will direct you to study and reflect upon:
- Leadership and Management in a Waldorf kindergarten*
- The overview of the kindergarten year as a basis for planning
- Child Observation in practice
- Behaviour Management in practice
- Building an inclusive kindergarten community with teachers and parents
- The roles of leader/mentor and assistant/trainee
- Promoting health and well being of children
- Teaching skills
*In addition you will create portfolios of teaching material and professional literature for your future work
- Child Study in practice
- Assessing School Readiness in practice
- Current early years mainstream practice with observation visits
- Child Protection and First Aid training
- The Waldorf Early Years approach to numeracy and literacy
- Rudolf Steiner’s Social Theory
- Waldorf School Organisation
- Conflict Resolution within the workplace
- Neuroscience’s confirmation of Waldorf early childhood principles and practice
Assessment for Level 5
Full details of the curriculum, assessment criteria and assignments, together with your workplace assessment will be given at the September session and are included in the Level 5 handbook.
The Level 5 co-ordinators are Carrie Rawle and Deborah Cassidy, with Lynne Oldfield as consultant. Arrangements will be made with the Level 5 students for either Carrie Rawle or Deborah Cassidy to visit you for a workplace assessment: usually in June of your Level 5 year. Details of this will be given during the London sessions.
Deborah Cassidy
Carrie Rawle